
Watch Distributed App

Munhumutapa Watch is a video streaming database with content from film and television, documentaries to music videos, live sports, live events etc.

On the app, content creators list their productions to allow other users to view them by streaming, purchase or rental. The viewing model and fees for listed content is entirely determined by its producer.

The Watch app is hosted on the entertainment chain of Munhumutapa, KULTURE betaChain.


For Producers

Content producers can add their content to the video database and specify the price of viewing their content which can be paid in KLTR coins.

Using the app's view tracking API, producers can track their content viewership metrics in real time.

For live events like concerts, sports games and shows, producers can charge viewers on a pay-per-view model.

For Viewers

Viewers can view and pay only for content they view instead of general subscriptions.

Content Streams

For Producers

Content added to the app is also by default available for streaming as well. Producers are paid directly on each stream from any of their content hosting platforms on which the app is integrated.

Data on content streams is recorded on the blockchain from the app irregardless of the host site from which the stream was initiated. This helps producers and production teams collect stream metrics. All the streaming metrics are stored on the blockchain platform.

Advantages of Munhumutapa Watch

One payment platform, multiple content hosts

Transparent content streaming market data

Cheaper content management

Transparent content metrics data

Direct stream revenue payments to producers