
Transactions On Munhumutapa

Transactions on Munhumutapa essentially facilitate the process of writing and recording of data on the blockchain. These transactions create the system by which the data is stored, secured and retrieved on the platform.

To submit transactions on the platform, users require accounts created on the Munhumutapa Alphablockchain without which is impossible to make use of the platform.

Transactions By Chain

Transactions can originate from either the alphaChain or betaChains that are part of the Munhumutapa Alphablockchain.

BetaChain Transactions

BetaChain transactions go through the process of binding before they can be recorded in blocks. Fees for transactions submitted on betaChains are paid for in the particular betaChain's coin depending on the available binder rates otherwise if the fees are insufficient, the transaction may not be processed.

AlphaChain Transactions

Transactions submitted on the alphaChain are submitted straight to forgers and the fees are consequently only payable in the MUTAPA coin.


Transactions By Distributed Applications

The types of transactions possible on the platform are based on the distributed apps found on the blockchain and each app has its own set of transactions that make use of its functionality. For universal distributed applications, i.e. apps limited to one particular chain, their transactions are limited to their host chain.

Universal Distributed Applications

For universal distributed applications, i.e. apps limited to one particular chain, transactions involving the app are limited to their designated host chain.

General Distributed Applications

Transactions for general distributed apps are possible on any chain on which the app is available. However, it is possible to have some distributed app transactions disabled on a certain chain while available on other. In such cases transactions disabled on a chain will be unavailable on that particular chain only.

Transactions By Permission

Depending on whether a betaChain is permissioned or not, some transactions may be available for an account ot not.

Permissioned Chains

On permissioned chains, the ability of accounts to submit certain or all transactions is limited to accounts that are specifically granted the permission to execute transactions on that chain. These permissions can only be granted by the chain administrators.

Non-permissioned Chains

If a betaChain is not permissioned, no account is restricted from submitting a particular transaction as long as it is available on the chain. Also non-permissioned chains have no special accounts hence an equal access to transaction availability.

Transaction Fees


MUTAPA Average Alphachain Transaction Fees


MUTAPA Average Alphachain Transaction Fees