
What is the Munhumutapa Store?

The Store is a distributed products, goods and services online store. With the Store Munhumutapa users can purchase and sell products through their accounts with the blockchain system securing and processing orders. The online store is equipped with an automated order tracking and settlement system which enforces payment of products based on delivery completion which affords protection to both the buyer and the seller before an order is settled.

Store Products

Any (legal) product can be listed for sale on the Munhumutapa Store. Digital products can be delivered directly on the store while physical products can be delivered either by the seller themselves or through a deliverer attached to the sale transaction.

Escrow Order Settlement

When a buying account makes a purchase, the amount for the purchase is deducted from the buyer account but is held in transit pending delivery confirmation of the sale. This means the seller does not receive payment until after delivery has been completed.

Also at purchase of a product, a window period opens on the blockchain during which delivery of the purchased item should be delivered and confirmed after which payment to the seller account is completed. This delivery window period follows the delivery time assigned to the product by the seller during its listing.

If the delivery window lapses without delivery or delivery confirmation, the purchase is canceled and funds returned to the buyer. has elapsed.

Product Deliveries

Deliveries are handled in two ways on the Store:

  • On-chain Deliveries
  • For digital products, deliveries are completed by receipt of an encrypted message by the buyer from the seller in which the product itself is contained or a key or link to to the product is contained.

  • Physical Deliveries
  • In the case of physical deliveries, the completion of a sale is subject the buyer confirming the delivery of the product. Deliveries of physical products can be done by the seller themselves or by a deliverer assigned to the sale by the seller.

    Why Munhumutapa Store?

    Peer-to-Peer Sales Payments Processing

    Sales Tracking

    Faster Sales Settlements

    Cheaper Payments Settlement

    Integrated Refunds System

    On-chain Deliveries Management