
Music Distributed App

Munhumutapa Music is a music streaming and sales distributed application. The app offers a platform for musical artists to earn from their music by receiving proceeds from music sales and streaming directly into their self-controlled accounts. The Music app also allows fans to enjoy their favorite artist's releases with proper financial compensation afforded to the artist.

The music is NOT a music file host but a payment facilitator thus artists can host their music files anywhere they want while processing sales and streams payments and proceeds using the application. This system allows artists to host their music on their own websites and still manage to monetize their music. Also, it allows flexibility for the hosting of music on multiple platforms and receive proceeds to one account.

The music app is hosted on the dedicated entertainment chain of Munhumutapa, KULTURE.


The music app is primarily for music streaming and sales.

Music Sales

For Artists

Artists can add their music to the platform as single tracks or albums together with their preferred sale prices which are denominated in the distributed application's host chain's betaCoin, KLTR.

The app also provides a sales tracking system that helps artists collect sales metrics and data for each track or album. The sales data and metrics data is stored on the platform and can be used to allow music buyers access to music across host platforms.

For Listeners

Music listeners can buy music of their favorite artists on a single platform while being able to access the music on their preferred host platforms on which the purchased music can be found.

Music Streams

For Artists

Music added to the app is also by default available for streaming as well. Artists receive funds from every single stream from any of their music host platforms on which the app is integrated.

Data on of streams of tracks, albums or by users can be extracted from the app irregardless of the platform on which the stream was initiated. This helps artists collect stream metrics. All the streaming metrics are stored on the platform.

For Listeners

Music listeners can buy music of their favorite artists on a single platform while being able to access the music on their preferred host platforms on which the purchased music can be found.

Advantages of Munhumutapa Music

One payment platform, multiple hosts

Transparent music market data

Cheaper music sales management

No man-in-the-middle

Direct proceeds payments to artists