
What is Forging?

Forging is the creation of blocks on the Munhumutapa blockchain by collecting a number of transactions executed on the platform and grouping them into a sub-legder and then adding it to the ledger which is the block-chain. In simpler terms, forging on Munhumutapa can be defined as, 'the permanent writing of transactions executed on the platform in a block'

. Forging API

Who Can Forge?

Any account on Munhumutapa can participate in forging as long as they satisfy a few conditions which are:

Confirmed Account
100000Minimum Balance of MUTAPA Coins.
Connected Host Node
Node Is Up-To-Date
Node Is Not On A Fork

Forging Reward

Forging accounts are rewarded with the transaction fees paid by the transactions they add to their forged block. Each block can be filled with a maximum of 10 transactions and can also be empty when there are no transactions to collect.