
Munhumutapa Domains

Domains on Munhumutapa are custom nametags that can be assigned to accounts to complement their default address id and public key.

Accounts with assigned nametags can be found by using the assigned nametag.

Domains are limited to alphanumeric characters and are assigned a .mutapa extension by default.

An account can only have one domain assigned to it at any given time meaning in order to assign a new domain to an account that already has one, the existing domain should be deregistered or transferred/sold to another account.


Any domain registered for an account is unique and can not be registered by another account as long as it remains registered.


Domains do not expire and once registered, remain under the account's ownership until deregistered or transferred to another account.


Domains can be transferred from one account to another and once transferred, the recipient becomes the owner of the domain.


Domains can be bought or sold on a dedicated marketplace. On the market, users can put up sale or buy offers at their preferred prices.