Digital Certificates

What Are Munhumutapa Digital Certificates?

Digital certificates are certificates that are issued, stored, authenticated and verifiable on the blockchain.

This certification allows institutions and organizations to issue certificates to other organisations or individuals through their Munhumutapa accounts.

This certification system brings trust and transparency to digital certification as it allows other institutions and users to view digitally view and verify certificates issued to a particular individual, organization or good, product or service.

In addition, other users can also track the recipients if a particular certificate including dates of issue.

Digital Certificates API

Certificate Properties

Certificates on Munhumutapa are issued with embedded data that determines and reflects the certificates scope and purpose.


A certificate's name identifies a set or group of certificates to which it belongs to and as such, certificates of the same name may indicate a similar certification standard or relation in respect of its issuer and recipients.

Certificate Description

The description of a certificate gives information on what the certificate represents and/or to whom it has to been issued to e.g. name of individual, organization, product etc. The same sets of certificates may therefore have the same description to indicate similarity.


A certificate type highlights the sector under which it falls in relation to its name and description e.g. educational certificates, standards certification, professional certification etc.

Certificate Data

Certificate data is information that may reference other information relevant to that certificate e.g. digtal tokens, digital signature, product data etc.


Every certificate is issued to a specific Munhumutapa account from an equally distinct issuer account. This relationship allows users to verify the authenticity if each certificate by estabilishing that an authorised account indeed certified another account.

Why Munhumutapa Certificates


Easy authentication and verification

Publicly accessible even remotely

Certification record-keeping and tracking

Cheaper certification process