Digital Assets

What Are Munhumutapa Totems?

Totems are digital assets issued and managed on the Munhumutapa Alphablockchain platform through the digital assets distributed application. These totems can be issued, distributed, exchanged and managed through the platform for their relevant purposes and utilities. Totems can only be issued on the AFRICANWEALTH betaChain and are global i.e. transcend chains

The issue of totems on Munhumutapa and their subsequent usage is generally based on transactional operations and as such the application does not require users to have any programming skills.

The digital assets application also has an integrated decentralized Asset Exchange (dex) which allows accounts to place bid and ask orders and trade totems issued on Munhumutapa.

Digital Assets API

Key Totem Metrics


Max Totem Quantity


Minimum Totem Quantity


Maximum Totem Decimals


KB Minimum Totem Property Size


Totems issued on Munhumutapa can be customized to suit their intended uses, applications and functionality.


Totem types pertain to whether a totem is non-fungible i.e. an NFT, splittable i.e. quantities can be increased.


Non-fungible totems have a set quantity of one and no decimals. Splittable totems can have their quantities increased after issue whereas non-splittable totems cannot.


Based on the decimals assigned to totems at issue, they can either be divisible to the set decimals or not at all.


Totem usage and transactions can be restricted to certain accounts or blockchain conditions set at issue and some can be set after issue.


Totems that represent a physical or a digital possession can be embedded with information about that particular possession such that the totem is directly equal to the referenced possession.


Decentralized Asset Exchange

Voting Integration

Dividend Payments

Totem Properties

Totem Controls