
What Are Munhumutapa Apps?

Munhumutapa applications are third-party developed software apps that make use of the Munhumutapa blockchain system. These apps can be clients, extension or derivative apps of the platform. These apps can be listed on the mAPPS distributed application which serves as a catalogue for any developed Munhumutapa apps

The mAPPS distributed application allows developers to have an app stack of their own which other users can view and get links to their apps for download or source code inspection.

MunhumutapaApps API

Listing An App

Developers can list an app by providing basic information on the app to let other users to have an appreciation of each app.

App Name

This is simply the name that identifies each app listed on the distributed application.

App Description

This is a brief outline of the apps function, target platform abd usage.

App Repository

A link to the listed app's repository where users can view the source code of the application for review, inspection and/or collaboration.

App Link

The app link is generally a download link that points to the apps host platform and lets users download the app.

App Release

Informs other users of the current available version of the app and whether a user needs to update their downloaded or installed app version.

Advantages of mAPPS

Discovery of new apps

App Version tracking

Direct app downloads

Developer App Catalogue